The team behind the Habit Builder

Established in 2008, Actionable is a global consortium of change practitioners.
Aligned in a single mission, the Actionable Consultant Partner network helps employees transform new information into lasting behavior change; change that benefits the individual, the organization and the world at large.

Chris Taylor


Alyssa Burkus


Zachary Novak


Lora Crestan

Partner Success

Shawn Hooper


Kevin Holloway

Partner Support (APAC)

The impact of your work doesn’t end when your participants leave the room.

Let’s shine a light on the lasting change you help create.

Actionable HQ

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you

180 John Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 1X5

Is Habit Builder right for you?

Some training is there to “check the box” or “provide an experience” for team members. Other programs exist to develop the skills and knowledge to advance organizational priorities. If your programs fall into the latter group, we’re here to help you realize that impact.